Contact / Report a Breach or Suspected Breach:
Phone: none
USU Senior Official for Privacy: Jonathan Woodson, MD, MSS, FACS
USU Privacy Officer: vacant
If you handle Personally Identifiable Information (PII) you are required to take privacy training annually. Once you are done, you will be provided a certificate, which you may save or print.
The following guidance is provided as source documents for the implementation of the USU Privacy Program:
Instruction 7751 - University Privacy Program, January 28, 2018
DoD Directive 5400.11, “Department of Defense Privacy and Civil Liberties Program,” December 8, 2020
DoD Regulation 5400.11-R, “Department of Defense Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
DoD Instruction 1000.30, “Reduction of Social Security Number (SSN) Use within DoD,” August 1, 2012
A system of records (SOR) is a group of records, whatever the storage media (paper, electronic, etc.), under the control of a DoD Component from which personal information about an individual is retrieved by the name of the individual, or by some other identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned, that is unique to the individual.
The DoD publishes in the Federal Register a system of records notice (SORN) of all SORs being maintained on individuals who are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence. The notice also includes the last Federal Register publication date.
Individuals are encouraged to periodically review the personal information being maintained about them by the DoD Components and to avail themselves of the procedures established by DoD 5400.11-R and other Regulations to update their records. If you would like to view or amend a record, please contact the USU Privacy Office.
- WUSU 03 - Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) Student Records
- WUSU 04 - Applicant Record System Records
- WUSU 07 - USUHS Grievance Records
- WUSU 20 - Personnel Radiation Exposure Records