The Office for Student Affairs (OSA) provides support to medical students in both professional and personal aspects of their lives to ensure their success and well-being. We accomplish this by creating a welcoming, inclusive environment coupled with career and academic advising, programming to enhance individual development, and purposeful celebration of key milestones across the medical school experience.

The OSA Deans, along with their staff, work closely with medical students from orientation to graduation providing personalized support and guidance across the curriculum. Students are welcome to consult with any of the OSA Deans or staff members at any time.

Services and Programing we provide:

  • Personal advising
  • Academic advising and support
  • Career advising programs
  • Letters of recommendation for awards
  • Graduate Medical education application advising
  • Compilation of the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
  • Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) support
  • Planning and coordination of orientation, White Coat Ceremony, Academic Award Ceremonies, Military and Civilian Match and graduation events
  • Representation and advocacy for students at curriculum and student promotion committee meetings
  • Referrals to other resources students may need
  • Student Interest Group oversight
  • Student leadership elections
  • Applicant Host and New Student Sponsor Programs
  • Well-being Program

Contact our office to learn more about how Student Affairs can help you!

(301) 295-3185


GME Application Documentation, contact the Registrar.

Clasped Hands

Civilian Match Tokens, please contact our main line (301) 295-3185.



The Office for Student Affairs is responsible for facilitating and coordinating student government in the School of Medicine. Each medical school class elects officers for the purpose of managing class business and activities, and for representing and advocating student interests in the USU community. Class officer positions are sanctioned by the university leadership, but are not extensions of the administration and are not elements of the military chain of command. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs serves as faculty advisor for all class officer groups and may share this responsibility with other faculty/staff members. The available class officer positions are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Academic Representative
  • Curriculum Officer
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Peer Development and Honor Representatives (2)
  • Social Representatives (2)
  • Information Technology Representative
  • Well-Being Representatives (2)