Through the Transforming Technology for the Warfighter (TTW), we are developing technologies aimed at addressing three principal medical areas for defense health: Combat Casualty Care, Military Operational Medicine, Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine.
- Advancing medical technologies focused on combat casualty care, military operational medicine, clinical and rehabilitative medicine.
- Enhancing and strengthening USU collaborations with the biotech community through translational and clinical research.
- Promoting innovation through collaborations in creation, translation and deployment of medical technology to address the warfighter medical needs of today and tomorrow.
We cultivate, establish, and leverage partnerships between USU faculty/investigators and industry, academia and civilian medical centers, including minority serving institutions, to create, innovate, and advance medical technologies to address war-fighter medical needs of today and tomorrow. TRP aims to create an open source environment to share ideas, resources and facilities within the program members to promote cross-laboratory collaboration, including laboratories of other military departments.
We focus on the advancement of medical technologies relating to:
- Wearable devices (e.g. enhanced performance monitoring using biosensors)
- Operational injuries (e.g. TBI, blast injuries, trauma care)
- Rehabilitation (e.g. regenerative medicine, wound healing)
- Precision medicine (e.g. omics, biomarkers)
- Rapid treatment and diagnostics at point of injury
We leverage expertise and funding to advanced technology projects by bringing together industry, academic and civilian medical centers, including minority-serving institutions. These partnerships work to solve challenging defense health problems to accelerate the impact of innovative products and services for the defense health capabilities of war-fighters and civilians.
We aim to:
- Increase mission readiness through improved treatment, diagnostics and monitoring devices
- Collaborate with USU investigators and Department of Defense experts in blast exposure research and TBI technologies to determine exposure on cognitive performance of warfighters using wearable and diagnostic technologies
- Development of pain treatments with opioid analgesics alternatives.
- Development of rehabilitation technologies for wounded war-fighters.
- Development, enhancement and refinement of biosensors and biomarkers for diagnosis and characterization of blast injuries and Traumatic Brain Injury.
Some of Our Partners

- Stop the Bleed: Development of a Novel Layperson Audiovisual Tourniquet (PI: Craig Goolsby, MD; USU)
- Mesh Suture: Achieving a More Durable Closure (PI: Jason Souza, MD; USU)
- Prolonged Intranasal Delivery of Ketamine Using Mucoadhesive Particles (PI: Mark Grinstaff, PhD; Boston University)
- Development of a wearable physiological status monitor (PI: James Galagan, PhD; Boston University)
- Photobiomodulation Therapy: Non-Pharmaceutical Control of Pain (PI: Juanita Anders, PhD; USU)
- Bioactive wound healing peptides: from the battlefield to the bedside and beyond (PI: Ira Herman, Tufts University/ Tom Darling, USU)
- Novel Injectable Coolant for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (PI: Michael Orestes, MD; USU)
Updates on funding will be made available on grants.gov. Please contact program staff for more information.
Program Director
Assistant to the Vice President - Technology, Research, and Innovation
(301) 319-0349 or bruce.doll@usuhs.edu
“The Office of Research supports USU in becoming a nationally recognized research institution that makes significant and positive contributions to military health and readiness, medicine, and the human condition.”