RESEARCH & evidenced-based practice GRANT CAMP

TSNRP Grant Camp is designed for novice nurse scientists and graduate (master's and doctoral) nursing students who plan to submit a research or Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) grant application in response to a TSNRP Funding Opportunity Announcement. Grant Camp features a modest amount of didactic content about grantsmanship and a substantial time during which attendees apply the didactic content to continue writing their application on the appropriate grant application forms. Attendees receive faculty feedback regarding their grant applications throughout the course. The goal of Grant Camp is for attendees to produce a scientifically sound research or EBP grant application on a topic that aligns with TSNRP research priorities.

Attendees must be prepared to spend a significant amount of time, both before and during the course, preparing and writing their grant applications. Given the emphasis on grantsmanship, attendees are expected to arrive with a robust knowledge of the topic they have chosen, the research or EBP process, research/EBP design and methods, relevant variables and measures, and data analysis. Graduate students should have completed some methodology and statistics classes and, ideally, have selected at least the chairperson of their thesis or dissertation committee. Note: Students applying to attend must complete a proposal outline and provide a letter of support from a commander, chief nurse, or dissertation/thesis chairperson. Mini-EBP applicants are not permitted to attend Grant Camp.


This course is offered each year in mid-July.
Grant Camp is scheduled for July 15-18, 2025.


The Writing Workshop is a hybrid course comprised of a three-day in-person workshop and a 3-hour virtual presentation prior to the onsite event. The workshop provides dedicated, mentored writing time for military nurses who have completed or are developing a scholarly writing project that will advance the science of military nursing. Examples of products that can be completed are: 

  • Manuscript for publication
  • Clinical Practice Guideline
  • Grant proposal
  • Final/technical report
  • Other scientific product

The target audience for this course is Active, Reserve, Guard, and retired Nurse Corps officers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Course attendees should have completed preliminary work (eg. reviewed the literature and written an abstract/summary) prior to attending the workshop. During virtual presentation, writing mentors will provide informative lectures and dedicate time to review writing assignments and provide scholarly feedback. Completion of the virtual presentation assignment is required to attend the on-site event. Note: Attendance the Writing Workshop is limited to one time per person.


This workshop is offered each year in the summer.
The 2025 workshop will be held August 2025.


This popular three-day in-person event features:

  • Keynote lectures by military nursing leaders and nationally known clinical experts
  • Breakout sessions with research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) presentations from TriService active, reserve, guard, and retired military nurse scientists and researchers
  • Poster sessions (3-minute lightning round) featuring research and EBP projects in military nursing
  • TSNRP-sponsored Research Interest Group meetings and presentations

The target audience for this course is Active, Reserve, Guard, and retired Nurse Corps officers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as nursing personnel working within the Military Healthcare System. Non-military nurses and other healthcare team members are welcome on a space-available basis.


This course is offered each year, usually in March/April.
The 2025 course will be held March 18-20, 2025.