USU Summer Scholars Program

The USU Summer Scholars Program is an 8 to 10-week training program that provides unique exposure to basic and clinical research, social/behavioral research, health policy, and research administration to high school and college students.

Every year, trainees work with research mentors across all of the USU research departments. Past students have explored departments such as Anatomy Physiology & Genetics, Surgery, Medicine, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Immunology. Those students interested in medicine have worked with the departments of Psychiatry, Pathology, the Graduate Student Nursing Program, Preventative Medicine and Biostatistics, and the National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health.

Trainees will have the opportunity to attend or participate in scientific and professional development seminars, field trips, laboratory experiments and observations, and research planning meetings. At the conclusion of the program, students prepare and present abstracts on their work at the annual Summer Scholars Program symposium.

Past projects that students have presented include: "Identifying Alzheimer's-Associated proteins as Substrates of a Novel Protein Quality Control Pathway,” "Circulating Peripheral Blood Fibrocyte are Sensitive to Arbovirus Infection,” and “Phosphorylation of the FUS Prion-like Domain following Various Types of Cellular stress".


2025 USU Summer Scholars Program

Thank you for your interest in the USU Summer Scholars Program. Please see the links below for more information.


Undergraduates (10 weeks) 
June 2 - August 8, 2025

High School Students (8 weeks) 
June 16 - August 8, 2025



“The Office of Research supports USU in becoming a nationally recognized research institution that makes significant and positive contributions to military health and readiness, medicine, and the human condition.”

Mark G. Kortepeter, MD, MPH

USU Research Training


USU Research Training



Applicants must be U.S. citizens, at least 16 years of age by June 1, 2025, and cannot have earned enough college credits to be considered a college senior to participate. Rising high school sophomores to recent high school graduates and college freshmen to rising college seniors are eligible.


Undergraduates (10 weeks) 
June 2 - August 8, 2025

High School Students (8 weeks) 
June 16 - August 8, 2025



High School Students (Ages 16-17)

          Students ages 16-17 are not eligible to participate in the USU Summer Scholars Program in 2025.


High School Students (Age 18+)

Intern - High School Summer Scholars Program in Bethesda, Maryland | Careers at Uniformed Services Univ

Undergraduate College Students

Intern - Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program in Bethesda, Maryland | Careers at Uniformed Services Univ



  • Educational and Employment History
  • Essay Questions (goals, experiences, and skills relevant to the opportunity)
  • Resume (PDF)
  • Transcripts/Academic Records
  • Two Recommendations

The application will provide more detail information about the process.



Dr. David Burmeister
Program Manager and Faculty Liaison