The Assistant Vice President (AVP) for Research Initiatives and Compliance (RIC) Division in VPR is responsible for policy, education, management and oversight of USU’s research regulatory compliance programs to include Human Research Protections, Animal Care and Use, Institutional Biosafety, and the use of Human Anatomic Materials. In addition, the AVP RIC Division develops and monitors programs and initiatives to enhance translational research and improve collaborations. We oversee and promote existing and newly implemented research initiatives in support of the VPR or USU missions.
The RIC Division consists of the Human Research Protection Program, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Program/Committee (IACUC), the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), and the Human Anatomic Material Research Committee (HAMRC).
The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is a comprehensive system to ensure the protection of human subjects participating in university-conducted and -supported research. The Human Research Protection Program Office (HRPPO) is charged with ensuring that all human research conducted by faculty, staff, and students under the auspices of USU is implemented ethically and in a manner that promotes the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects and complies with federal, DOD, and local regulatory requirements. The HRPPO staff serve as the university’s subject matter experts in HRP, develop and implement human research protection policies and regulations, advise the USU leadership on issues related to human research, provide education and consultation to USU researchers, reviews and processes, human subjects research protocols, and provide administrative support to the USU Institutional Review Board (IRB) for its review, approval, and lifecycle management functions. The HRPPO staff also provide post approval compliance oversight of human subjects research.
For more information or to contact us, please email
For USUHS Faculty, Students and Staff only, click here to visit our Intranet site.
- DoD Assurance# P60001; Expiration: September 29, 2026
- Federal wide Assurance# FWA00001628; Expiration: May 04, 2026
- IRB Registration# IRB00000968; Expiration: September 14, 2024
As mandated by NIH Guidelines, the rules of 42 CFR 72 & 73, and suggested in the recommendations in Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), USU’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is responsible for assessing the biosafety containment level for research involving recombinant DNA and synthetic nucleic acid molecules; research with other potentially hazardous biologics; activities involving infectious agents, biological toxins, human-derived tissues, fluids, cells, certain animal-derived tissues, fluids, cells and federally-regulated Select Agents, and experiments with Dual Use Research of Concern potential, and research requiring BSL3 containment. In addition to compliance with federal regulatory requirements, the IBC also ensures compliance with all other applicable DOD, state, and local regulations.
For more information or to contact us, please email IBC Staff listed below.
Ms. Ronda Dudley
We recognize that the use of human anatomical specimens are essential to fulfilling the biomedical educational and research needs of students, faculty and staff. We are committed to the ethical acquisition, storage, use and disposition of these materials. The USU Human Anatomic Material Research Committee (HAMRC) was established to provide a uniform approach and process for the review, approval, and compliance oversight of the use of human anatomical specimens. The HAMRC ensures that the use of human anatomical specimens adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and complies with federal, DoD, and local regulatory requirements.
For more information or to contact us, please email HAMRC Staff listed below.
Ms. Ronda Dudley
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
USU is committed to the highest standards of excellence and humane care in the use of animals in research, training and education. We believe that this commitment is central to the integrity of our work. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is charged with the responsibility of ensuring compliance with all Federal and DoD animal welfare regulatory requirements. The IACUC serves as a resource to faculty, investigators, technicians, students, staff, and administrators and provides guidance for conducting all animal use procedures. All faculty, staff, students using USU facilities are required to comply with federal standards for the use of animals in research, teaching, and training. The USU Animal Care and Use Program is AAALAC International accredited, holds a PHS Assurance and is registered with the USDA.
For more information or to contact us, please email
Preclinical Behavior and Modeling Core (PBMC)
The Preclinical Behavior and Modeling Core provides a central, state-of-the-art facility for investigators to conduct cutting-edge preclinical research using the highest level of expertise, instrumentation, and training. Click here for more information.