Joseph T McCabe
B.A., M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D.
School Degree DatesRutgers College Bachelor of Arts June 1974
New Brunswick, New Jersey
University of Wisconsin Master of Science in December 1976
Oshkosh, Wisconsin Clinical Psychology
City University of New York Master of Philosophy July 1983
New York, New York Doctor of Philosophy in
Dr. Joseph McCabe is Professor and Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics, and a Professor in the Neuroscience and the Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Programs at USU. He received his undergraduate training in psychology and biology at Rutgers College, an M.S. degree in clinical psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from the City University of New York. Dr. McCabe spent 11 years at The Rockefeller University before his move to USU. He serves as the Program Director for Neuroprotection and Modeling of The Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine. His laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms of cell response to stress and in the development of pharmacological therapies that may reduce the functional consequences of brain injury.Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications
The Rockefeller University Postdoctoral Fellow (1983-July 1985), Research Associate (July 1985-June 1987), Assistant Professor (July 1987-August 1989)
Program Director for Neuroprotection and Modeling, The Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, USUHS, 2008-2020
Professor of Neuroscience (Secondary) August 1998-present
Professor of Molecular & Cell Biology (Secondary) August 1998-present
First recipient of the University’s, F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine, Outstanding Biomedical Graduate Educator Award, May 16, 1998
USUHS President’s Outstanding Service Medal, May 21, 2012
F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine Impact Award, 2015
Representative Bibliography
Tucker, L.B. and McCabe, J.T. Behavior of male and female C57BL/6J mice is more consistent with repeated trials in the elevated zero maze than in the elevated plus maze. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, 2017, 11 (Article 13)
Kim, Y., Fu, A., Tucker, L., Liu, J. and McCabe, J.T. Characterization of controlled cortical impact devices by high speed image analysis. 2018, 96, 501-511.
Vu, P.A., McNamara, E.H., Liu, J., Tucker, L.B., Fu, A.H., and McCabe, J.T. Sex differences in behavioral responses following fear conditioning and repeated bilateral frontal region closed head impacts. Brain Research, 2021, 1750, 147147. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147147
Schwerin, S.C., Chatterjee, M., Hutchinson, E.B., Djankpa, F., Armstrong, R.C., McCabe, J.T., Pierpaoli, C.M., Perl, D.P., Juliano, S.L. Expression of GFAP and tau in the cerebral cortex of ferrets following blast exposure. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 2021, pii: 6075096. doi: 10.1093/jnen/nlaa157.
Nonaka, M., Taylor, W.W., Bukalo, O., Tucker, L.B., Fu, A.H., Kim, Y., McCabe, J.T. and Holmes, A. Behavioral and myelin-related abnormalities following blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury in mice. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2021, 38(11): 1551-1571. doi: 10.1089/neu.2020.7254.
Tucker, L.B., Fu, A.H. and McCabe, J.T. Hippocampal-dependent cognitive dysfunction following repeated brain injury induced by CHIMERA (Closed-Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration) in male and female mice. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2021, 38(11): 1585-1606. doi: 10.1089/neu.2021.0025.
Bradshaw, D.V.,Kim, Y., Fu, A., Marion, C.M., Radomski, K.L., McCabe, J.T., Armstrong, R.C. Repetitive blast exposure produces white matter axon damage without subsequent myelin remodeling: in vivo analysis of brain injury using fluorescent reporter mice. Neurotrauma Reports, 2021, 2.1.
McNamara, E.H., Knutsen, A., Korotcov, A., Bosomtwi, A., Liu, J., Fu, A.H., Kostelnik, C., Grillakis, A.A., Spencer, H., Dardzinski, B., McCabe, J.T. Meningeal and visual pathway MRI analysis after single and repetitive Closed-Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration (CHIMERA)-induced disruption in male and female mice. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2022, 39(11-12), 784-799, doi: 10.1089/neu.2021.0494.
McNamara, E.H., Tucker, L.B., Liu, J., Fu, A.H., Kim, Y., Vu, P.A., McCabe, J.T. Limbic responses following shock wave exposure in male and female mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2022, 16, 863195.
Portillo, E., Zi, X., Kim, Y., Tucker, L.B., Fu, A., Miller, L.A., Valenzuela, K.S., Sullivan, G.M., Gauff, A.K., Yu, F., Radomski, K.L., McCabe, J.T. and Armstrong, R.C. (2022). Persistent hypersomnia following repetitive mild experimental traumatic brain injury: Roles of chronic stress and sex differences. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2023. Jan 9. doi: 10.1002/jnr.25165. Online ahead of print.