Anwar E. Ahmed


Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics
Associate Professor
Location: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Research Interests:
1) Analysis of risk assessments and diagnostic/early detection accuracy. 2) Regression models for survival, longitudinal, and count data. 3) Statistical consulting
Office Phone


PhD, Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA, 2010

MSc, Statistics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA, 2004

BSc, Applied Statistics and Demography, University of Gezira, Sudan, 2001


Dr. Ahmed is a faculty member in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics at USU. Ahmed received his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2010. He received his M.S. in Statistics from VCU in 2004, and a B.S. in Applied Statistics and Demography from University of Gezira, Sudan in 2001. His research focuses on evaluation of clinical utilities of diagnostic tests and risk models.


PMO502 - Introduction To SAS

PMO508 - Biostatistics III

PMO 701 Independent Study in Complex Survey Analysis

Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications

School of Medicine Dean’s Impact Award - 2023

David F. Cruess Outstanding Educator Award - 2023

Researcher Award of the Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs (MNGHA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - 2017

Representative Bibliography

Ahmed AE, Pratt KP. Race, ethnicity, F8 variants, and inhibitor risk: analysis of the “My Life Our Future” hemophilia A database. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2023 Apr 1;21(4):800-13.

Hamrick JE, Ahmed AE, Witkop CT, Manetz KE, Mancuso JD. Unintended pregnancy among US military active duty servicemembers: HRBS estimates for 2018 and trends since 2005. Contraception. 2022 Oct 13:109894

Hall A, Ahmed AE, Cieurzo C, Payne C, Wilson RL. Differences in disease non-battle injury between combatant commands. Military medicine. 2022 Dec 30

Ahmed AE, Jradi H, AlBuraikan DA, ALMuqbil BI, Albaijan MA, Al-Shehri AM, Hamdan AJ. Rate and factors for scabies recurrence in children in Saudi Arabia: a retrospective study. BMC pediatrics. 2019 Dec;19(1):187.

Chang AY, Cowling K, Micah AE, Chapin A, Chen CS, Ikilezi G, Sadat N, Tsakalos G, Wu J, Younker T, Zhao Y. et al. Past, present, and future of global health financing. Lancet. 2019 Jun 1.

Ahmed AE. Diagnostic delays in Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients and health systems. Journal of infection and public health. 2019 Apr 18.

Al-Madani W, Ahmed AE, Arabi H, Al Khodairy S, Al Mutairi N, Jazieh AR. Modelling risk assessment for cervical cancer in symptomatic Saudi women. Saudi medical journal. 2019;40(5):447.

Ahmed AE, McClish DK, Alghamdi T, Alshehri A, Aljahdali Y, Aburayah K, Almaymoni A, Albaijan M, Al-Jahdali H, Jazieh AR. Modeling risk assessment for breast cancer in symptomatic women: a Saudi Arabian study. Cancer management and research. 2019;11:1125.

Al Ammari M, Al Turaiki A, Al Essa M, Kashkary AM, Eltigani SA, Ahmed AE. Drug resistant tuberculosis in Saudi Arabia: an analysis of surveillance data 2014–2015. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. 2018 Dec;7(1):12.

Ahmed AE, Alshukairi AN, Al‐Jahdali H, Alaqeel M, Siddiq SS, Alsaab HA, Sakr EA, Alyahya HA, Alandonisi MM, Subedar AT, Aloudah NM. Development of a risk‐prediction model for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in dialysis patients. Hemodialysis International. 2018 Oct;22(4):474-9.