The Board of Regents is a Federal Advisory Committee within the Department of Defense (DoD); it operates in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), DoD Instruction 5105.04, "Federal Advisory Committee Management Program" DoD Directives and Instructions.  

The Board provides advice and guidance to the Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, and the USU President to ensure that the operation of USU is effective, in compliance with all applicable accreditation standards, and in the best traditions of academia.

The USU Board of Regents is established by law (10 USC 2113a), and an integral component of the USU strategic and operational enterprise.



Dr. Glendon Diehl
Alternate Designated Federal Officer
Phone: (301)-295-1917


Sharon Holland
Alternate Designated Federal Officer
Phone: (301) 295-3578