Teaching with Technology Brown Bag Series
Have you ever wondered what your colleagues are doing in their distributed learning classes, or how they are using technology in their teaching? Now you have a chance to learn! The CIO’s office is pleased to present a series of brown bag sessions on Teaching with Technology. This series is meant to highlight faculty’s use of technology in their teaching and allow participants to share ideas about teaching in distributed learning environments.
Schedule of Planned Sessions
Check your email for an announcement or contact the ETI at eti@usuhs.edu(link sends e-mail) for more information about how to attend the sessions.
Videos of Past Sessions
All previous Brownbag sessions can be found on the USUHS YouTube channel in the Education & Technology Innovation (ETI) Professional Development playlist.
copyright and fair use
The ETI has worked with the USUHS Office of the General Counsel and the staff of the LRC to develop a set of resources for faculty to refer to when they incorporate content from copyrighted sources into course materials. These resources are designed to help faculty members by providing a common-sense approach to citing sources when transitioning spoken presentations to a more permanent format for distribution to a wider audience. The page includes a checklist and other resources to help you determine if your plans for the copyrighted materials can be considered Fair Use.
DL Software
The ETI can work with you to integrate of a variety of DL software tools into your teaching, such as:
- Adobe Captivate (available for faculty and staff through a service desk software ticket)
- Adobe Premiere (available for faculty and staff through a service desk software ticket)
- Articulate Storyline 3 (limited licenses available for faculty and staff through a service desk software ticket)
Other Resources
Peer Assessment Learning Activity Information and Resources
Peer assessment can be an effective way of enabling students to teach and learn from each other. Following best practices when creating peer assessment learning activities will help your students get the most out of these activities. This Peer Assessment Resources document provides you with information about and links to a number of resources that you can use as you plan and implement peer assessment in your teaching.
Techniques for Creating an Effective Learning Environment 3/9/2016
On March 9, 2016, The ETI presented a professional development session for the Medical and Clinical Psychology Department Seminar and the University community that was designed to help participants create environments conducive to learning a wide variety of types of material. Handouts from that session are provided below.
Engagement Model
This document provides a visual model that presents a variety of elements that contribute to learner engagement in the classroom or online environment.
Storytelling and Visual Thinking
This document presents suggestions for starting to think about information in visual terms or as part of a story in order to help learners engage with the material.
Strategies Based On How The Brain Learns
This document presents strategies that can be used to engage learners in the classroom or online environment, based on research about how the brain processes information when learning. This version of the handout is slightly different from the one provided during the session; it includes information about specific strategies that were discussed during the session.
Creating Effective Learning Experiences 5/13/2015
On May 13, 2015, The ETI presented a professional development session for the Medical and Clinical Psychology Department Seminar and the University community that provided some tips about creating effective learning experiences. Handouts from that session are provided here.
- What Makes Good Teachers presentation
These are the Powerpoint slides used during the presentation. - Characteristics of Good Learning Experiences
This document provides a list of characteristics of good learning experiences that the group generated during the session, and also provides resources to use if you’d like to try to develop similar types of learning experiences.
Flipping the Classroom 8/27/2013
On August 27, 2013, The ETI presented a professional development session for USUHS faculty that provided an introduction to the theory behind and the practice of "flipping the classroom." Handouts from that session are provided here.
- Flipping Worksheet
This worksheet is designed help you start flipping your classroom. It consists of a series of questions about specific elements of your flipped classroom learning experience that you can ask yourself. It also provides you with space to write the answers. When you have completed this document, you will have a good basis for your flipping plan. - Flipping Considerations
In this document you will find some important elements to consider when flipping your classroom, along with specific suggestions for each step along the way. - Flipping Resources
This document provides you with links to online resources that give you some background on the concept and practice of flipping. It also has links to sites that provide examples of activities you can have students do when they are in the classroom. - Accessibility Resources
You want to make sure your online content is available to all of your students. These accessibility resources are designed to help you make versions of your Microsoft Office documents and other types of materials that are compliant with Section 508. - Flipping
This handout provides you with all four of the Flipping documents in one file. It is the same as the handout you received if you attended the session.
Handouts from Lunchtime Seminar on Using Discussion Boards (DB) in Teaching
Discussion_Board_Questionsv4_handout.pdf –This document, which provides the slides used at the lunchtime seminar on using discussion boards in teaching, describes the benefits of using discussion boards and provides recommendations for writing effective discussion board questions.
Note: though the session title includes “Blackboard” and Blackboard is mentioned in the handout, the techniques described can be used with discussion boards in any LMS.
DB_Creation_Techniques.pdf - This document, which was used as a handout at the lunchtime seminar on using discussion boards in teaching, provides explanations of different types of discussion board questions and postings.
Handouts from Lunchtime Seminar on Putting Course Materials Online
Aligning_Objectives_and_Activities.pdf - This document suggests online activities that can be used to support different types of objectives.
Handouts from Grand Rounds Session on Writing Objectives
061207_GRHO_triangle_domains.pdf - This document contains a list of learning domains and a graphic depicting the relationship between objectives, learning activities and evaluation
Handouts from Grand Rounds Session on Using Technology to Improve Clinical Teaching
121206_GRHO_USUHS_ETI_intro.pdf - This document contains the slides that were used during the grand rounds session entitled “Using Technology to Improve Clinical Teaching”.