Gerald Grant, DDS MS
Program Consultant
Kristin H. Gilchrist, PhD
Associate Director for Research
Tony T. Yuan, PhD
Associate Director for Research
4D Bio³ is advised by the Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC), which helps to shape the goals, vision, and strategic mission of the program. The STAC is comprised of members from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), DHP/Defense Health Affairs (DHA), United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Science Foundation (NSF), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Uniformed Services University, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Veterans Affairs (VA), and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL).

Chair and Professor
Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Uniformed Services University
Chief, Department of Radiology
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Dr. Vincent B. Ho is Chair and Professor, Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, at the Uniformed Services University (USU), which consists of over 200 national civilian and uniformed faculty members. In 2009, Dr. Ho was selected as Integrated Chief and led the integration of Radiology Departments of the National Naval Medical Center and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Since its creation in 2011, he has served as Chief of Radiology, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, and is responsible for 4 clinical services (Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, and Interventional Radiology), 3 divisions (3D Medical Applications, Medical Physics, and Picture Archival and Communications), and 6 training programs.
Dr. Ho has spent the past 3 decades as a physician serving military beneficiaries. He attended the University of Michigan for both his undergraduate and medical school education and was a recipient of a 4-year U.S. Army Health Professionals Scholarship. In 1987, he entered the Army as a transitional intern at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he subsequently completed his Diagnostic Radiology Residency in 1992. Following completion of his residency, Dr. Ho was assigned to Madigan Army Medical Center and was a founding faculty member for its new diagnostic radiology residency program which continues to this day. In 1996, he separated from the Army and joined USU. Dr. Ho’s academic interests are in advanced biotechnology and 3D medical applications. Dr. Ho has 18 US patents and his current research focuses on the development of novel non-invasive methods for cardiovascular and neurologic imaging, tissue characterization, functional assessment, image-guided therapy/drug delivery, and most recently 4D bioprinting.

Assistant Vice President for Technological Research and Innovation
Office of Research, Uniformed Services University
Dr. Bruce Doll is the Assistant Vice President for Technological Research and Innovation, Office of Research at USU in Bethesda, Maryland. He leads the development and integration of database management within the research portfolio and the advancement of novel technologies focused upon military medical requirements. His formal education includes a DDS from SUNY Buffalo, Periodontics specialty certificate from Navy Postgraduate Dental School, PhD from Penn State, and MBA from the Navy Postgraduate School. During 34 years of service with the US Navy, he served with both the Navy and US Marine Corps, INCONUS and OCONUS. Several times deployed, RADM Doll completed his service as both Director, Research, Development and Acquisition Directorate for the DHA in Falls Church, VA and the Deputy Commander, US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland overseeing execution of Defense Health Program funded medical research. He has had academic appointments with Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh, Oregon Health Sciences University, University of Maryland, Pennsylvania State University and Rutgers University prior to coming to USU. He served as the COO for the Rutgers – Cleveland Clinic Consortium for the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine. He has served on several scientific boards. He has published on the topics of bone regeneration and is a former grantee of the NIH and NIST.

Senior Advisor for Emerging Technologies
Chief Scientist’s Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging Threats
Food and Drug Administration
CDR James Coburn is the Senior Advisor for Emerging Technologies in the U.S. FDA Chief Scientist’s Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging Threats. He received his Master’s degree from Brown University in Mechanical Engineering in orthopedic biomechanics research and performed a tissue engineer research fellowship at the National University of Ireland: Galway before joining the FDA in 2009. He currently provides leadership and expert advice on advanced manufacturing technologies, to FDA’s 3D Printing core research facility, and to external stakeholders and interagency partners. In addition to his advisory role, CDR Coburn co-chairs the Agency’s Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Working Group and facilitates interagency coordination and community engagement on program activities across a range of advanced manufacturing technologies. He was previously the Principle Researcher for the FDA 3D printing core facility with a primary research focus on patient-based design factors for 3D printed medical devices as well as manufacturing variability with 3D printing methods.
CDR Coburn is an officer in the U.S. Public Health Service, the only uniformed service dedicated to protecting and promoting public health. In his time, he has deployed for emergency response to several natural disasters.

Group Leader, Complex Microbial Systems Group
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology
Dr. Scott Jackson joined NIST in May of 2014 after 11 years as a principal investigator with the FDA. At the FDA, his research focused on characterizing the global genomic diversity of enteric pathogens, with applications for bioforensics and public health. At NIST, Scott is currently the leader of the Complex Microbial Systems Group in the Biosystems and Biomaterials Division. In this current role, Scott is leading efforts to improve microbiome and metagenomic measurements by organizing inter-lab studies, developing reference materials and reference methods, and developing in vitro tools that allow us to better understand microbial community resilience and evolution. Scott performed his PhD dissertation research at Johns Hopkins University and The University of Maryland where he focused on the evolution of mobile genetic elements.

Deputy, Defense Health Program
Office of the Principal Assistant (Research and Technology)
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command
Dr. Jonathan S. Miller is currently the Deputy, Defense Health Program (Research and Technology) at USAMRC, Fort Detrick, MD. In this role, Dr. Miller assists the Deputy, Defense Health Program (Research, Development, Test and Evaluation) in ensuring that Defense Health Program medical research and development investments align with Military Health System policies and strategic goals and objectives. Dr. Miller supports the oversight of planning, programming, budgeting, and execution activities for the Defense Health Program Research, Development, Test and Evaluation appropriation executed by USAMRMC in the areas of combat casualty care, clinical and rehabilitative medicine, military infectious diseases, operational medicine, medical simulation and information sciences, and radiation health effects. In addition, Dr. Miller serves as the science and technology lead to develop operational strategies for the use and execution of other transaction agreements to increase public-private partnerships and resource sharing.
Dr. Miller’s scientific research focused on the behavioral and molecular mechanisms of drugs of abuse. His research has been published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals. In addition, Dr. Miller has published his legal research focused on biobanking, human subjects research protection, privacy law, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations in peer-reviewed law journals. Dr. Miller received a B.S. in Nutrition from LaSalle University (2002), M.S. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Georgetown University (2004), Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Temple University School of Medicine (2009), and a J.D. from the University of Maryland, Francis King Carey School of Law (2014). He is licensed to practice law in Maryland.

Product Manager, BiofabUSA
Combat Trauma and Acute Rehabilitation PMO
U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity
Dr. Lloyd Rose graduated in 1994 from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. Following a stint with the Department of the Treasury, Dr. Rose returned to the University of Texas at Austin, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology in 2006. From 2006 to 2012, Dr. Rose studied poxvirus immune evasion mechanisms, earning a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. After completing his degree he began a postdoctoral fellowship at the U.S Army Institute of Surgical Research working on burns, scarring and skin regeneration. In 2015, he moved to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland to manage research projects in Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Rose served as the Regenerative Medicine Program Area Manager in the Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine Research Program, responsible for planning, budgeting and execution of Army, Defense Health Program and Congressional Special Interest funds directed toward dynamic and innovative regenerative medicine research. In 2019, Dr. Rose moved to the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity to manage BiofabUSA, one of the eight DoD Manufacturing Institutes. BiofabUSA is focused on developing manufacturing platform technologies for the advancement of regenerative medicine therapies.

Scientific Program Manager for Restorative Medicine
Office of Research and Development (10X2B)
Department of Veterans
In 2011 Dr. Potter joined the Office of Research and Development at the Department of Veterans Affairs, where she currently serves as the Scientific Review Officer for Surgery, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, and Endocrinology-Bone Merit Review panels and the Portfolio Manager for Surgery, Trauma and Musculoskeletal Disorders and Injuries. She currently serves as the VA representative on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Forum for Regenerative Medicine, the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine, the Advisory Board of Clinical and Rehabilitation Medicine (DoD/JPC8), CDMRP’s Programmatic panel for the Reconstructive Transplantation Research Program and she is a member of VA’s NASEM Strategic Workgroup. She received her undergraduate degree in Engineering Chemistry from Queen’s University in Canada, her PhD from Cambridge University and she did her post-doctoral training at the University of California at Santa Barbara in the Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering. She joined the National Institutes of Health as a visiting scientist where she developed novel techniques for the non-invasive assessment of engineered tissue constructs. She spent 10 years at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology as the Technical Director of the Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Facility where she applied non-invasive imaging techniques to the study of forensic, pathologic, and engineered tissues.

Director of Scientific Research Programs, Policy, and Strategic Initiatives and Chief Scientific Advisor
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
Dr. Patterson is currently the Chief Scientific Advisor and Director of Scientific Research Programs, Policy, and Strategic Initiatives at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. In this role, she provides leadership and coordination of trans-NHLBI efforts and manages a broad portfolio of issues germane to the conduct of clinical research, research oversight, programmatic planning, policy development, major new scientific initiatives, and relationships with organizations within and external to the Institute.
Prior to joining the NHLBI, Dr. Patterson served for several years as the NIH Associate Director for Science Policy and the NIH Associate Director for Biosecurity and Biosafety Policy. She has a long track record of accomplishment in such areas as human subjects protections; the organization and oversight of clinical trials; scientific, social, and ethical considerations in genetics research and human gene transfer trials; and safety and security implications of emerging new technologies. She has successfully worked with senior leadership across the U.S. government and internationally to achieve major policy milestones, as well as new scientific initiatives in complex and challenging arenas of biomedical research.
Dr. Patterson’s public service precedes her career here at the NIH. Prior to coming to the NIH, she was Deputy Director of the Division of Cellular and Gene Therapies and Medical Officer in the Division of Clinical Trial Design and Analysis at the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.
Dr. Patterson received her B.A. (Cum Laude) in biology from Harvard University and her M.D. (Alpha Omega Alpha) from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She conducted her internship, residency and Assistant Chief Residency in internal medicine at New York Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering and completed her post-doctoral clinical research fellowship in adult and pediatric endocrinology and metabolism at the NIH.
Dr. Patterson has been the recipient of numerous public health service awards including the FDA Distinguished Service Award, the FDA Commissioner’s Special Citation Award, NIH Merit and Director Awards, and the DHHS Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service.